Wednesday, September 25, 2013

3 Perkara sahaja perlu tahu...

On to the things you need to know about before you can release your full potential
and can truly start growing:

1. The past isn't really about the past

Only once you truly realize this, you'll be able to start living in the now, experience
the full power of the now and truly start healing yourself.
"You are who and where you are because of who and where you were"
There is no such thing as the past, because there is only the present. Even troublesome
thoughts or memories you're thinking of right now about the past or the future are
happening in the present.

2. Ignoring our 'inner voice' only feeds it

You know that soft voice that is always in the back of your head? That voice that always
starts questioning things every time you try to step outside your comfort zone. That little
voice asking you "what if…?"
We tend to often ignore this voice. But its got a valid point, doesn't it?
Rather, try to accept the fact that that very inner voice is just there to protect you from
any danger. Tell your inner voice "thank you for sharing and trying to protect me" and
it'll slowly but surely fade overtime.
Can you imagine the peace of mind you'd have?

3. When judging others, you're really judging yourself

Other people are only a reflecting of your own thoughts and reality. You will only be
able to recognise a bad trait in another person if this trait is inside of you somewhere
as well. Rather, try to focus on the positive traits. What you focus on, you will grow
more of.
Even though sometimes it's hard to find.

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